Taking Notes

Created 24 Jan 2013 11:31, Updated 24 Jan 2013 11:31

Taking notes is simple in this application. Once you have a page going by using any of the text-input boxes, simply begin typing away! The Wikidot text editor uses its own code for determining text transformation. For example, I can make a bold word by using asterisks as such: **bold**.

The Wikidot syntax can be found here. Studying this will help you emphasize and style your texts.

You can easily highlight certain text by using the span class "highlight". It makes the text have a colored background giving the effect of a highlight.

To use the highlighter, simply put a [[span class="highlight"]] before the text you want highlighted and a [[/span]] after. The paragraph above looks like this in the code:

You can easily highlight certain text by using the span class "highlight". [[span class="highlight"]]It makes the text have a colored background giving the effect of a highlight.[[/span]]

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